Guilty parade elias
Guilty parade elias

guilty parade elias

"And I don't recall seeing you either, so we're even. "Now, I suggest you tell us who you are, because I don't recall ever seeing your face here before."Įlaine grinned, throwing an arm around my shoulders. "He said no," Yakov growled menacingly, stepping forward. "Do I need to issue you a direct order, officer?" "No, I need to stay here," I told her meaningfully. She tried to take my arm, but I shook her off. "What about you, handsome? Want to come with me?" "Identify yourself, soldier."Įlaine ignored her, marching towards me. It was time to make my escape and let the rest of the unit decimate the camp. I returned Elaine's stare, knowing what I was supposed to do. Her eyes swept across the squad, coming to rest on me. I need one of you bozos to come with me."Ī female soldier emerged from the haze, her bright red hair clearly visible through the smoke and dust. "I've been sent to check on the Eastern wall. "Hey, you lot!" My heart sank at the sound of the familiar voice. Stepping cautiously, the pair moved away from the group, disappearing into the smog. Hans gave a frightened whimper but nevertheless put on a brave face and moved to Elias' side, taking his arm. I knew exactly what was going on, I knew the plan of attack in its entirety, and yet I felt helpless to do anything about it. Through the smoke, I could see shadowy figures prowling about, weapons drawn. Distant voices floated eerily across the grounds. The dawn sky was unnaturally dark, clouds of smoke and dust hanging in the air. We exited the barracks, drawing our weapons, taking our positions. "Now that's sorted, let's get out there." Without waiting for a response, she broke ranks and strode away. Yakov glared at him but said nothing, quietly returning the revolver to its holster. The enemy may seek to use it to their advantage."

guilty parade elias

"Confusion and blind panic can be a powerful weapon.

guilty parade elias

"Why not?" Yakov grunted, brandishing his revolver. Question any soldier you don't recognise, but do not open fire unless attacked." Everyone else, stay in the main area, keep careful watch on all sides. "Hans and I will go to the radio cabin and send a message to headquarters," Elias said. "In case you haven't noticed, time is running short." "So what do you propose we do?" Helga snapped, no longer able to hide her agitation. I fear attacks may be imminent from the East and West." Some will have already been dispatched to the South. Soldiers will have already been sent to defend the Northern wall. If Nemo is correct, and the enemy is disguised as our own, we cannot afford to let our guard down. "Elias," Oliver said, taking a handkerchief from his pocket to mop the sweat from his forehead, "What would be our best course of action?"Įlias pursed his lips. Another explosion, this time from the South. "Focus our attention on the Northern wall while they amass their forces to the South." "Maybe it's a distraction," Helga said coolly, folding her arms across her chest. "If they were to wear our uniform, they would be difficult to detect." "Perhaps they have disguised themselves," I said. I took a shaky breath, knowing that what I was about to do would brand me as a traitor if my unit were to find out. "Perhaps the enemy is hiding," Elias suggested, "lying in wait to ambush us." They would only become known the moment they opened fire. My unit was dressed in the black uniforms of the Stygian Dissenters. "An explosive device was detonated at the Northern wall, but no enemy soldiers have been sighted yet." "We are under attack," he said, pacing back and forth in front of us. At last, Oliver entered the corridor, looking as calm as ever. It felt like we were standing there for hours, lined up against the wall, awaiting our orders. Outside, sirens wailed and raised voices called out to each other. Oliver was the only soldier absent, on account of him being on the morning shift. Doris and Helga were already there, the former fidgeting nervously with her crumpled blouse, the latter wearing her usual expression of indifference. We wasted no time, throwing on our uniforms and assembling in the corridor outside. "Up! Everyone up!" Elias ordered, already on his feet.

guilty parade elias

My mirror slipped off the edge of the bedside table, shattering as it hit the floorboards. The room shook, the bedframes rattling as the sound of the explosion rumbled through the barracks.

Guilty parade elias